Monday, 10 December 2007

Monday Update

I've been busy working on the garden and the allotment the last couple of weeks in between the spells of wind and rain. The garden's looking pretty tidy now although I don't like to leave it too tidy as all the little creatures need some leaves and other debris to overwinter in. I've planted loads more bulbs, more tulips which I love, daffs, and some dwarf irises and more bulbs whose names I can't remember.

I started making a path to the shed two or three years ago and never finished it. I'm making it using the sandstone blocks I dug up out of the front garden with Cathy and Susie (my friendly neighbours) a few years ago. There was an old manor house on the site of the 14 houses in our close and our houses were built when it was pulled down. All of our gardens are full of stuff from the big house. I found two old irons in the back garden and my next door neighbour dug up a complete wheelbarrow a couple of years ago! Anyway I'm planning to finish the path tomorrow. It's a kind of stepping stone path from the patio area to the shed. It's desperately needed in the winter as the soil is very clayey so it's too wet to walk on all winter. It's probably too wet to do it now but I'm just going to have to get on with it regardless.

It's Christmas gift making time again, and I am working on knitted gifts for the family again this year. I will post what I make after Christmas as I know this blog is watched by gift recipients. I'm only making 7 gifts this year so it's not too much to do. I've finished one completely, about 95% of another, and probably about 50% each of a couple of others. That probably means I'm about half way there. I'm planning on finishing off the ones I've got started this evening and tomorrow evening. I'm stitching 'n bitching tomorrow so should manage it. Then it's just three more to go!

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