Monday, 19 November 2007

Monday Update

I've not done much knitting this last week. I just seem to be jumping from one thing to another and not really getting anywhere. My plan this week is to finished my Composed Mitts and also my Handpainted gloves. There's only a couple of hours work to do on each of these maximum, and it would be good to get some projects out of the way. Also I could do with wearing them as the temperature seems to have really dropped in the last week or so.

I've been in the garden today and dug out my Miscanthus Zebrinus. It had got huge so I decided to move it and split it into 3 or 4 new plants. I managed to get it out. It has only got a very shallow root ball as it seems to have hit a pan of clay where it was sited. I've chopped one chunk off it and planted it against the fence where it looks pretty good and it will get full sun there which they seem to like. The soil there is much better too so it should do well there. I am going to split the rest of the plant into two. One of these chunks will be planted near to the one already in and the other one will go out front in a gap between my garden and the neighbours. I'll have to do that tomorrow as I've run out of light now.

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