I've been feeling pretty stressed over the last month or so due to one thing and another. Yesterday I was feeling a little more chilled but still a bit frowny so I decided to get myself along to the allotment last night for some fresh air and exercise. I managed about an hour and a half before it started to get a bit dusky. I don't see so well around dusk - not bad when it's actually nightime but that in between bit between day and night is difficult for me. I managed to dig out more mares tail, which I expect I will be doing for the rest of my life. I also had a friend on the plot last night - a lovely little robin. He followed me around the plot, wherever I went he was there, and when I left he stayed on my plot, just sat and watched me go. I've lot's of wild bird food at home so I'm going to take some to the plot tonight for the Robin.
At Stitch 'n Bitch on Tuesday evening I finished the first sleeve of H's sweater. I'm going to cast on the second one today and try to have the sweater finished this weekend. I was also working on my handpainted gloves but I'm having trouble with the fingers. I've decided to knit both main parts and then do all the fingers at once - not sure if that's a good plan really! I'm also trying to finish two socks to match the two singles I have. I need to have them finished by Saturday evening to keep on target for the 52 pair plunge.
Friday, 27 April 2007
Saturday, 21 April 2007
A Very Busy Week
I've been working on the Knitwise website for the last 3 weeks and over the last couple of weeks all of my evenings seem to be just website, website and more website. I have been knitting during the daytime and I've been trying to get some allotmenteering in but haven't done much. I'm planning to be up early tomorrow morning and straight to the allotment. I've the rest of my potatoes and onions to put in and want to sow some carrots, peas, chards and beets. I also need to tidy the greenhouse (again) ready for my cucumbers and tomatoes.
I have managed to get a bit of knitting in. I've finished the back and front of H's sweater and am now halfway up the first sleeve. I may try and finish the sleeve today. As always I have many WIP's. I have two single socks - my blue embossed leaves sock and a red one with lace cuff which I finished on Wednesday. I'm going to have to finish their partners this week or I'll be behind on the 52 pair plunge. I've also started my handpainted gloves for Karens glove kal. This is a lovely pattern and I'm really enjoying it.

The house is very quiet - everyone still in bed except me, and the cats are outside eating! I could do with going back to bed myself. We were up late last night with friends and I'm very tired. Unfortunately I have to be in work so I'm going to have another quick cup of tea and a shower and get going!
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Easter weekend
I've got two days off work (Sunday and Monday). Today was the Tour of Flanders cyling race. It was on tv from 12 noon till 3.30pm. I didn't watch it the whole time just on and off but I did watch the last hour and a half in full, so managed to ge
t some more of H's aran done. I managed to fix the mistakes I had made yesterday and am now past the armhole shaping on the back. I also finished one of my embossed leaves socks. I'll have to start the second one quickly before second sock syndrome kicks in. I had to stop myself starting another pair earlier on!
Yesterday I was given a parcel of undyed yarns and three hanks of Fyberspates space dyed yarns as samples for the Knitwise shop. I'm planni
ng to stock some of the Fyberspates yarns and some undyed sock yarn in the shop. The yarns are lovely and I spent a lot of time early this afternoon just looking at them and feeling them.

Yesterday I was given a parcel of undyed yarns and three hanks of Fyberspates space dyed yarns as samples for the Knitwise shop. I'm planni
I was planning to do some allotmenteering today but didn't get there. I started working on the Knitwise website update and lost track of the time - working when I'm supposed to be having a break! I'll have to make tomorrow a full day at the plot as I've loads to do and catch up with.
Thursday, 5 April 2007
More knitting!

I've finished my second pair of socks for the 52 pair plunge and these will also count for SAM3 so I'm very pleased with myself. These were a fairly quick knit and very enjoyable, it was fun watching the stripes appear. These are an almost perfect matching pair except for the toes. I've just turned the heel on my embossed leaves socks. They are absolutely beautiful but need a fair amount of concentration as the leaf design is a 16 row pattern. I need some plain stocking stitch pairs to knit when watching tv and drinking wine.
I only managed to knit one row of H's aran sweater today. I was busy doing paperwork in the Knitwise shop and just didn't seem to find any time to knit! I'm going to try to finish the first of my embossed leaves socks tonight but I'm feeling very tired so not sure how much I'll get done.
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Stitch 'n Bitch 'n Socks
It's half term and coming up to Easter so last nights SnB meeting was a bit light on numbers - just ten of us. Three of us were knitting socks - the perennial favourite. Sue was using some Fortissima Socka Cotton Colori and a vintage pattern for cable ankle socks. Miriam is using the Fortissima Socka with a basic sock pattern. Miriam joined a sock kal yesterday. It seems th
at everyone who gets past their first sock becomes slightly obsessed with them. I was knitting my 2nd pair for the 52 pair plunge - the embossed leaf socks. I didn't get a lot done - too much chatting so changed over to the aran sweater I am making for H. That sounds like I've been knitting the sweater for ages but actually I only started yesterday. I was sorting out the back room at the Knitwise shop yesterday morning and discovered this 100% peruvian aran that I had completeley forgotten about. All my self-imposed rules on 2007 being the year of finishing were ignored as another project was added to my WIP list. I am pretty good at finishing things I make for H so should have it done quite quickly - hopefully before he gets back from Majorca.

Monday, 2 April 2007
Socks! Socks!

Well I finished my first pair of socks for the 52 Pair Plunge. I started yesterday about 2pm and finished them at 6.30pm. They were a quick and easy dk pair so it's not as impressive as it sounds.
I have started my second pair, which will also be used for SAM3. These are the embossed leaves socks by Mona Schmidt from Interweave Knits Winter 2005. I am using blue Sirdar Country Style 4 ply from my stash. This is a great yarn for socks as it is a wool/acrylic mix which washes really well.
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