Friday, 27 April 2007

Red, Red, Robin

I've been feeling pretty stressed over the last month or so due to one thing and another. Yesterday I was feeling a little more chilled but still a bit frowny so I decided to get myself along to the allotment last night for some fresh air and exercise. I managed about an hour and a half before it started to get a bit dusky. I don't see so well around dusk - not bad when it's actually nightime but that in between bit between day and night is difficult for me. I managed to dig out more mares tail, which I expect I will be doing for the rest of my life. I also had a friend on the plot last night - a lovely little robin. He followed me around the plot, wherever I went he was there, and when I left he stayed on my plot, just sat and watched me go. I've lot's of wild bird food at home so I'm going to take some to the plot tonight for the Robin.

At Stitch 'n Bitch on Tuesday evening I finished the first sleeve of H's sweater. I'm going to cast on the second one today and try to have the sweater finished this weekend. I was also working on my handpainted gloves but I'm having trouble with the fingers. I've decided to knit both main parts and then do all the fingers at once - not sure if that's a good plan really! I'm also trying to finish two socks to match the two singles I have. I need to have them finished by Saturday evening to keep on target for the 52 pair plunge.

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