Sunday, 24 August 2008

52 Pair Plunge II

I decided to go for the 52 pair plunge challenge again this year. That's 52 pairs of socks from 1 June 2008 to 31st May 2009.

I should have knitted 12 pairs by now to be on target but I've only completed 4 (and a half) pairs. I've lots of work to do to catch up!

Pair 1 Simple Socks

Pair 2 Baby Socks

Pair 3 Baby Socks

Pair 4 Spring Forward

Monday, 2 June 2008

A Lovely Weekend

Well, I've been very, very lax at keeping this blog up. I've been spending most of my time on Ravelry.

This weekend we had family visiting. Spent Saturday afternoon shopping for dresses and nice things with my niece. Totally exhausting experience. Saturday evening was spent playing Trivial Pursuit under the influence of lots of wine.

Sunday we had a trip to see the Antony Gormley statues on Crosby beach and the impressive Turning the Place Over in Liverpool city centre.

DH and I had a nice relaxing evening and I managed to knit the first sock of my first pair for the 52 Pair Plunge

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Big Garden Birdwatch 2008

Well, I did the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch again this year with my feline assistant Viola. I threw down loads of seed this morning for the doves and woodpigeons. I throw some on the lawn for them most days. By the time I sat down to record the activity there were lots of birds in and out of the garden.
I spotted:
2 robins, 5 blue tits, 7 coal tits, 1 goldfinch, 3 chaffinchs, 5 woodpigeons, 3 blackbirds, 2 collared doves, 4 magpies, 12 greenfinches, 1 house sparrow and 1 redwing.
It was pretty much as I was expecting but the redwing and greenfinches were a bonus. I first saw a redwing just before Christmas and haven't definately seen one since, and I haven't seen the greenfinches for about a week so was glad to see them back again.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

A Very Late Start to the New Year

I've always been very lax at updating this blog but I'm even worse since I became 'involved' with Ravelry. Is it possible to be in love with a site? I love everything about Ravelry and consequently spend far too much time browsing patterns, lurking in the forums and perving at other folks projects and yarn. Spent two hours knitting time this morning just looking at other peoples knitting. Am I mad? I think I am.

My plan for today is to finish another panel of my Bressay Hap Shawl . I'm trying to get this finished before it becomes another one of those never ending projects that hide in the bottom of my knitting basket. My deadline for completion is the end of Jan to coincide with the For Me Knitalong deadline. If I can just stop myself starting new projects I should easily do this. That's a big 'if' though.