Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Knitflicks, TV and Debbie Stoller

It's been a very exciting week with news of lot's of forthcoming knitting activities. Firstly, last Tuesday, Susan (editor of knitonthenet ) joined us at our Snb meeting with news of the day with Debbie Stoller that I Knit and knitonthenet are jointly organising. A trip to London in November is on now! I'll be having a table there selling my Knitwise goodies.

Then yesterday I had a call from Granada TV asking if I could knit a scarf for Anthony Cotton, of Coronation Street fame, (I've no idea who he is - haven't watched Coronation Street for years and years). Anyway, apparently he's presenting an evening tv show during August and September and the producers are looking for interesting bits for the show. They are after an 'All Day Breakfast' scarf ie with sausages, eggs, bacon, black pudd etc... on it. Of course, they want it immediately so I'll have to see what I can do!

Finally when I checked my email last night I had a message from the marketing manager at FACT (an arts and film centre in Liverpool) to let me know that they have set a date for their first Knitflicks event. These are knitting at the cinema events and are great fun. I organised a couple of these events at FACT about 2 years ago but it was a bit costly for me to promote and finance so I am very pleased that FACT have decided to do it again within their regular program. Any Merseyside knitters out there please support this event. If it goes well it could become a regular monthly event.

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